Friday, March 1, 2019

**********4 OOHA JANITHAM - **********

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My movie story - OOHA JANITHAM - 30may17


This story is about a A man (VARUN) who is a college going lucky boy and is good at analysing and pridicting the events of future based on current events
He is very clair voyant so much that he can even predict till next ten years or from past 10 years
Using this talent he used to do cricket betting forecast and used make a lot of money
Also most of his predictions used to be correct

Time was just passing and until on one day
It is father's day shown on TV and during his discussion with his mother he knows that his father's died in an accident
VARUNasks his mother about their relatives and grand parents and their life story
She explains that they were a big family and because of his father's mounting loans he was disturbed and in that confused mood he died in a CAr accident
He goes to his old village to find out more facts
He speaks to a number of people in that village and collects a lot of facts about his father ,his relatives, his creditors,his friends ,and villagers
After collecting all this information he draws them as pictures and paintings and tries to get a common point out of it. In the process he falls asleep and gets into a dream where he meets his father during those days when he was alive and he gets to see all those characters who were there in the collected facts and things exactly happen the way he heard from people
He talks to his father and he tells him all his story which is exactly different from the story what his mother told him
Using all facts and his predicting talent VARUN finds out that his father's death was not natural accident but it's different conspiracy

His father was sharing him about a place which can solve the problems but evrytime he is abt to say that name his dream is interrupted by someone

Later he returns home and shares all the info he collected from the village

After listening she adds more details with what she knows

In the discussions he come to know about RAGUNATH MAVAIAH but interstimgly no one from that village has mentioned about his name

Now he gets doubt whther his mother is wrong or the entire villagers....

The story ends when he finds the reality and how he finds out the place name ...which his father mentions in the dream

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